September 14, 2012
Today I had an appointment for Ana and Mac to visit a kennel outside of Frankfurt. Many of the kennels in Germany want to meet your dogs before they will consider taking them as boarders. So off Ana, Mac and I went to a kennel by the name of Frank's Hunde Training located 40 minutes from Oberursel. We drove for a while and ended up in the country. Mac usually gets car sick, but I guess she has gotten better -- flying over the ocean for more than 6 hours will do that I guess. I got to the town, but I could not find the kennel. I did my usual thing. I found a man and asked "Sprechen Sie Englisch?" He said "nein" -- not a good answer for me. So, I looked at him, pointed to Mac in the backseat and said " Hunde Haus" (literal translation -- Dog House). He looked at me for a second and then said -- "Ha, trei hundert meters" and pointed up the road. Success, I found the place. I took Ana and Mac out of the car. Both of them were well behaved. They met the kennel manager who instantly fell in love. He quickly said '' "no problem we will take the dogs." I put them back in the car and he explained how 30 dogs play in the yard together after breakfast and that Ana and Mac would share a room. I, of course, started to explain that while Ana looked sweet and innocent she has had her moments. He assured me that in his 30 years of running a kennel, he has never had an issue with a lab, much less a female lab. I once again explained "killer" Ana's history. We agreed that Ana would have a trial half day on September 18th. So, Tuesday, Ana returns for a daycare visit. He once again reiterated that he had never had any issues with female labs. Hopefully, Ana will not be his first.
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