Tuesday, October 2, 2012

September 20, 2012 -- Thank Goodness for Really Nice German Speaking Neighbors

September 20, 2012 -- Thank Goodness for Nice Neighbors!  [This is out of order because somehow I never took it out of draft]

I am constantly reminded how difficult life can be when you do not speak German and you live in Germany.

Problem 1 -- GMAC Financing --So, I began my day by straightening up the house as I waited for -- yes -- another IKEA delivery (this was the delivery that was the result of our trip on September 1st -- Chris has not been back there since).  I stumbled upon a piece of mail and opened it.  It was a letter from GMAC Leasing and it was in German.  While I could not understand most of it, I had that "spidey sense" that it wasn't good.  I called the customer service number on the letter and when a woman answered the phone I asked -- "Sprechen Sie Englisch"  (my favorite line).  Her response was "nein."  So, realizing the letter seemed serious, I went to my next door neighbor's home (she is Austrian and speaks German).  She translated the letter and said that it looked like I owed money and the payment was overdue.  She called the customer service number and the woman who answered the phone said it was serious.  The woman added that I need to pay it immediately and fax proof of the payment to them right away.  My neighbor said to me that the woman on the phone was quite serious -- like repossessing my car serious.  I did a bank transfer and faxed proof of the transfer to GMAC.  Without my kind neighbor's help, I might be doing a lot more walking in Oberursel.  It turns out that GMAC put the wrong bank information on our lease so they were unable to automatically deduct the payment.  Their fault, not ours, but I, of course, would be the one without the car!!!

Problem 2 -- IKEA Delivery -- The next fun item on the list was waiting for IKEA.  They give you a window of 6 hours (very convenient) -- in my case, 7 am to 2 pm.  2:30 rolls around and still no IKEA.  I call a customer service number and yes, you guessed it -- I get a German message.  So, off I go to bother my next door neighbor again.  She calls for me and the man tells her that it is very unusual.  If they do not show up, I should call them back and reschedule.  When I walked out of her house at 2:45, the truck pulled up.  Of course, THE ORDER WAS MISSING THE WARDROBE THAT WE BOUGHT FOR KATIE.  You know, the one that was out of stock that they were supposed to put with our order when it came in.  I will go to IKEA tomorrow -- the phone does not work for me!

I have my good days in Germany and my difficult days -- this one fell on the side of difficult.

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