February 11, 2013
The Carnival season is in full swing here in Germany. Apparently, the season begins on November 11th at 11:11 am and continues through Ash Wednesday. Carnival week actually begins the Thursday before Ash Wednesday (Weiberfastnacht). On that day, women dress up and go around cutting men's ties. Chris was warned that this tradition takes place in his office; he was told to put away his good ties for the day. (It turns out he was in the U.S.). Many towns have parades and costume balls on Rosenmontag (Rose Monday). The largest celebrations are in Köln (Cologne) and Mainz. I decided to stay local. I attended the Fasching parade in Oberursel yesterday. It was quite a celebration. Certainly, Germany's answer to Mardi Gras. The parade in Oberursel consisted of 300 floats. (According to my neighbor, there are clubs that meet throughout the year planning the design of their float and their costumes.) As the floats pass by everyone yells "Helau" and the people on the floats throw candy (although some actually threw flipflops) to the children watching the parade. People in the crowds as well as the people on the floats dress up in all sorts of costumes. In addition, to these festivities, there is a fair amount of heavy drinking. Here are some pictures -- o.k. a lot of pictures.

My neighbors -- from left to right - Pauline, Florin, Katrin and Rosalie |
Jesus was in attendance |
Castle Float |
Pauline grabbing candy |
Katrin and Kristopher -- my neighbors |
Pauline yelling Helau |
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