Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 21 -- September 27 -- Some MacIntosh Stories

September 21st -- September 27th -- MacIntosh Is Like Having a Two Year Old Toddler

I know that my sister will want Ana to have equal billing, but the reality is that Ana is a good dog who does what she is told.  Alas, she is not as entertaining.  I did, however, post a picture of her today on Facebook so that everyone can see that she is not only good, but beautiful as well.

Anna the Good Dog


O.k. so onto Mac -- We had our neighbors over for dinner last Saturday and we were explaining the chewed off corner of my dining room table.  We quickly added, Mac is over that explaining that she has been great since coming over.  We told them -- she is clearly calming down.  So we thought . . .  I woke up on Sunday morning to a whimpering Mac.  She had to go out.  I walked into the room and yes, Mac had chewed the arm on her couch.  So much for the calm good dog thing.  I immediately took out the "Knabber Stopp" I bought in the pet store here in Oberursel and sprayed the couch.  (Of course I had purchased the spray -- German equivalent of the Green Apple spray in the States -- but silly me, I did not think I needed it so I had not sprayed the couch).  My first bad Mac decision of the week.

Arm of the couch -- note the rip and the white stuffing exposed

This would Mac --  Instead of lying on her damaged couch she is in her bed
(This too would be ripped open by Monday afternoon)


On Monday morning, I left for German class.  I decided that I would leave Mac loose on the main floor.  (When I am home (even upstairs), Mac usually lies on the rug near the glass door in the back of the house and soaks up the rays.)  I figured she would do the same when I was out and do less damage then if I locked her in her room.  I returned from German class an hour and a half later and was greeted at the door by the dogs.  I went over to the couch in the living room (a couch that Mac is not allowed on) and I felt the couch.  It was warm.   Apparently, that couch is better as it is not damaged and it does not have Knabber Stopp on it.  I also noticed a chewed couch pillow.  Yes, that was my second bad Mac decision of the week.  Over the course of the day, I kicked Mac off of MY COUCH three times.   Later that day, Mac ripped a hole in her nice new virtually indestructible bed.


On Tuesday, I had two women over for lunch (my neighbor and the wife of one of Chris's colleagues).  Thankfully, both of them like dogs.  In fact, Anne came over, in part, to meet the dogs.  Mac quickly made her presence known as she went over and licked the cheese sitting on the coffee table.  After that incident, she settled down and chewed a bone.  I thought to myself -- oh, good she is behaving.  Yeah, not so much.  By the end of the lunch, Mac drank out of Anne's coffee cup and went over on sat on her as she sat on the couch.   Because Mac considers herself a lap dog, she does not understand why it is a problem for her to sit on people.


On Wednesday, I went to the pet store and bought some toys to keep Mac out of trouble.   This morning as I was cleaning up I gave Mac a toy.  The toy was a rubber wild boar.  (Believe it or not, there are wild boars in the forest behind our house.  Our neighbors were telling us some stories about the wild boars attacking small dogs and explained that they are particularly vicious when they are protecting their young.  They added that you should not walk in the forest at sunrise or at dusk.)  The rubber toy not only looks funny, but it makes a great snorting pig sound.  When I gave it to Mac, she pawed it and growled at it.  She batted the toy around for a half hour and then began chewing it.  Everytime she clamped down, the pig made the funny snorting sound and each time Mac whined and growled at it.  As I watched her, it was clear to me that she truly is a toddler -- a toddler with a strong jaw and large teeth.  The pig was destroyed within an hour.

Since the pups have been here, I walk with them in the woods every day.  At first, I took them separately.  I now take them together.  They do pretty well -- although Mac really does not like horses and Ana has to stop and mark her territory every five seconds.

Mac clearly has made an impression on the people she has encountered.  Many think she is beautiful, but others look on in terror as we walk by them.  Today, two women shrieked and ran to the side of the path.  Mac just walked past them prancing like a pony.

Move over Clifford the Red Dog and Marley -- Here Comes Mac! AKA Mac Attack, Destructo Dog

One Wild Boar who no longer has a snout!

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