Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6, 2013 -- Our Favorite Twins Arrive!

July 6, 2013 -- Our Favorite Twins Arrive!

So admittedly, I blew it today.  I should have had my camera ready when the twins exited from the baggage area.  You will just have to take my word for it --lots of screaming, giggling and hugs.  S and I went off to softball while Katie, Anna and Eleanor explored Oberursel.  After a victorious softball game, we returned home.  K and S invited some friends from FIS to welcome Eleanor and Ana with a belated 4th of July BBQ.  Here a a few pictures of split twins, Ana and Katie against Sarah and Eleanor.  Katie and Ana won!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Sarah on her softball game and of course to the victorious badminton duo:-)
    As for the reunion . . . I can only imagine!
    It sounds like Day 1 was lived and enjoyed to the fullest!
