Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 13, 2012 -- Be Careful What You Order!

August 13, 2012

Monday was a relatively uneventful day.  We went to IKEA to look for some furniture to add to the furniture that is being shipped and we went to a store called "REAL" which is basically Germany's version of a Walmart.

After we explored, C, K, S and I went to lunch at the restaurant at the Visitor's Center in Oberursel.  Ordering off of a German menu is still an adventure for us although we clearly have gotten better.  I decided that I was going to order the Max Strummer Deluxe -- Schinken, Käse and Spiegelei.  O.k. so I know that Schinken is ham and that Käse is cheese.  I was convinced I was ordering a sandwich so I figured I was good to go.  Well, the waiter delivered my lunch, an open face sandwich with a 1/4 inch of butter on the bread, ham, cheese and two fried eggs on top.  For those of you who didn't know -- "Spiegelei" is fried egg in German.  Just as Christopher will not likely forget Knoblauch, I will not forget Speigelei.

Later in the evening, we went to a Korean restaurant.  None of us had ever been to a Korean restaurant (Chris has, but he was working).  There we were with a German menu at the Korean restaurant, a real challenge.  I ordered a dish and wouldn't you know that it came out with a fried egg on top.  So, yes, I had three eggs in one day.

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