Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 29, 2013 -- Prom

May 29th -- The Prom

Yesterday was FIS's Prom.  The girls gathered at my house for make-up, hair etc.  I was off at the Hilton helping to decorate the room with some teachers and other moms while this took place.  Jame's mom and I met them at a friend's house for a pre-Prom party and pictures.  The girls had a great time.  For all of you who have asked for more Katie photos -- here they are.  I don't think I have ever seen her smile so much in her life.  The only snag in the event was that I was 1 hour late picking them up.  Several roads were closed in Frankfurt and my navigation system kept looping me back to the road closure.  Finally, I enlisted the help of the police, who hailed a cab for me and I followed the cab to the Hilton.  I picked up James and several sleepy girls.  Here are the pictures.


Note shoes and matching tie!

James attempting to tie on the wristlet

S and some friends

S and her chum!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! (Did you take enough? ha ha.) Your girls look gorgeous. I had a good chuckle when I heard the story about you arriving an hour late for pick-up and needing a police escort. I'm sure that it was NOT funny at the time... but, ah, that's the Deb I love & miss!! I'm going to email you a couple photos of my son at the PHS prom last week. Isn't it crazy to see the kids so grown up? Catch you later~ Kelly
